§ 3. Mr. SMITHERSasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether, when discussing matters with the representatives of the Soviet Government, he will press the claims of British investors in Russian securities, with a view to obtaining some payment of outstanding debts or at least recognition of them?
Mr. A. HENDERSONI can assure the hon. Member that the interests of this class, as of all other classes, of British claimants will be borne in mind in any negotiations which may be entered into as a result of the invitation sent to the Soviet Government.
§ Mr. SMITHERSWill the Secretary of State give this House a pledge that a recognition of these debts will be a condition of the resumption of diplomatic relations?
§ Lieut. - Commander KENWORTHYMay I ask whether, when the previous treaty was drawn up, full provision was not made in it for the satisfaction of these private claims?
§ Mr. HAYCOCKMay I ask how many of the original investors hold any of this stock, and whether it is not possible to buy £1,000,000 of it for 4d. in the London market to-day?
§ Mr. SMITHERSThanks to the revolution.