HC Deb 16 July 1929 vol 230 cc190-1

asked the Lord Privy Seal if his attention has been called to the dangerous hill, known as Kilton Mill Bank, in the Cleveland district of the North Riding of Yorkshire, which is a danger to motorists and pedestrians; and if he will consider including the improvement of this road in his unemployment scheme, particulars of which have been submitted to the Ministry of Labour by the local unemployment committee?


I have been asked to reply to this question. An offer of a grant of 50 percent, of an estimated expenditure of £14,000 was made to the county council in August, 1927, for the improvement of Kilton Valley Road, which comprises the hill in question, but was not accepted. I am prepared to consider a scheme for the improvement of this road if the highway authorities concerned will submit their proposals in response to the recently issued circular which sets out the terms on which assistance can now be rendered from the Road Fund towards the cost of approved works on Class I and Class II roads.


asked the Lord Privy Seal whether he intends that progress should be made in the Highlands of Scotland with road improvements which have been interrupted; whether he is aware that it has been stated by the Ministry of Transport in Edinburgh that the applications for special grants have been so heavy that they had exhausted the funds at the disposal of the Ministry of Transport; and that a large amount of urgent work could be undertaken immediately if 100 percent, grants in some cases and a larger number of 75 per cent grants in other cases were available?


I have been asked to reply. It is my intention to encourage local authorities to promote works of road improvement in the Highlands of Scotland, as well as other parts of the country, and I issued last week a circular on the subject to local authorities. My Divisional Road Engineers have also been instructed to discuss with local authorities proposals for the reconstruction of further sections of the main trunk roads as an extension of the Trunk Road Programme launched by the Labour Government in 1924. I am not aware of the statement attributed to the "Ministry of Transport in Edinburgh."


Does the circular refer to unclassified roads as well as to roads in Classes 1 and 2?


No, Sir. Unclassified roads are affected by the Local Government Act of 1929 and are subject to special negotiations in each case.


Will the hon. Gentleman take care that when negotiations take place between the local authorities and the Minister of Transport these matters will be dealt with?


Certainly. The unclassified roads are not outside our consideration. The Government are perfectly prepared to consider any proposals made by local authorities.

Lieut. - Colonel ACLAND-TROYTE

Will the hon. Gentleman take care to see that Scotland does not get a higher grant than other parts of the country?