HC Deb 16 July 1929 vol 230 cc192-3

asked the Lord Privy Seal whether he can give the amounts of value of schemes before the Unemployment Grants Committee in total and for England, Scotland and Wales, respectively; and whether he has any evidence that the regulations regarding the employment of a certain percentage of transferred labour is hindering local authorities from presenting schemes?


The estimated total value of the schemes at present before the Committee for consideration is £5,470,000, made up as follows:

England 4,973,000
Scotland 81,000
Wales 416,000

In regard to the last part of the question, it should be understood that the condition as to the employment of transferred labour applies in certain areas only, and that the object in offering the grant to these areas is to secure the transfer of labour. Accordingly, while it is no doubt the case that some of these areas would prefer to have the grant without the condition, this is obviously not practicable It has been decided, however, that some greater degree of elasticity will be introduced as regards the application of the condition in particular cases.

Brigadier-General Sir HENRY CROFT

Are these all new schemes, or are they schemes which were being considered by the late Government?


The hon. and gallant Member is mixing up the whole thing. These are not schemes put forward by the Government, but schemes submitted by the municipalities. I am urging all of them to send them up as soon as possible.

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