§ 72. Mr. HANNONasked the First Commissioner of Works what progress is being made with the erection of the new embassy building at Rio de Janeiro?
§ Mr. LANSBURYThe preparation of plans for the erection of an Embassy on the Rua Real Grandeza site which was purchased in 1928, has been temporarily suspended. A town planning scheme for Rio, now under consideration of the municipal authorities and the Brazilian 40 Government, includes the provision of a new Embassy quarter in the best part of Rio on the sea front, on which sites will be allocated at nominal rents to the various diplomatic missions. As the new site is more valuable than the present one, it was thought prudent to defer building until further information is available.
§ Mr. HANNONCan the right hon. Gentleman say when this new site on the sea front will be available?
§ Mr. LANSBURYNo, I am afraid that I cannot.