§ 11. Mr. MANDERasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether it will be the policy of the Government at the League of Nations Assembly in September to support any increase in the contribution payable by this country that may seem to be necessitated by the expanding work and increased responsibilities of the League of Nations?
Mr. A. HENDERSONThe contribution of His Majesty's Government is a fixed proportion of the total expenditure of the League. Any additional expenditure necessitated by the work of the League will be considered by His Majesty's Government having regard to the importance of the work to be undertaken.
§ Mr. MANDERAre we to understand that the right hon. Gentleman intends to reverse the reactionary policy of the late Government in this matter?
§ Sir WILLIAM DAVISONHave all the other members of the League paid their proper quota towards these expenses?
Mr. HENDERSONI think all the other members have paid their quota, except one, and I think that is China.