HC Deb 28 January 1929 vol 224 cc621-735

Considered in Committee. [Progress, 25th January.]


[Mr. JAMBS HOPE in the Chair.]

  1. CLAUSE 80.—(General Exchequer grants in London.) 14,824 words, 2 divisions
  2. Clause 81 (Additional Exchequer Grants in London) ordered to stand part of the Bill.
  3. cc655-75
  4. CLAUSE 82.—(Payment of Supplementary Exchequer Grants in London.) 8,211 words, 2 divisions
  5. cc675-99
  6. CLAUSE 83.—(Contributions by councils to voluntary associations in respect of maternity and child welfare.) 9,912 words, 1 division
  7. cc699-733
  8. CLAUSE 84.—(Contributions by councils to voluntary associations in respect of other health services.) 14,278 words, 2 divisions
  9. cc733-5
  10. CLAUSE 85.—(Payment of Grants.) 1,429 words, 1 division