That so much of the Lords Messages of 17th December, 1928, and 19th December,
1928, relative to Consolidation Bills be now considered."—[Sir G. Hennessy.]
§ So much of the Lords Messages considered accordingly.
That a Select Committee of Six Members he appointed to join with a Committee appointed by the Lords to consider all Consolidation Bills which are not Private Bills in the present Session."—[Sir G. Hennessy.]
§ Message to the Lords to acquaint them therewith.
§ Brigadier- General Sir George Cockerill, Mr. Ernest Evans, Mr. Fielden, Mr. Robert Hudson, Sir Reginald Neville, and Sir Henry Slesser nominated Members of the Committee.
That the Committee have power to send for persons, papers, and records.
That Three be the quorum."—[Sir G Henncssy.]