HC Deb 24 January 1929 vol 224 cc347-8
81. Colonel WEDGWOOD

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether His Majesty's Government attach importance to the establishment of a commission of verification and conciliation under present circumstances; and what attitude does His Majesty's Government intend to take upon the matter at the next meeting at Geneva?


His Majesty's Government and the other Governments concerned desire to achieve a liquidation of the questions still outstanding between them. The chief of these are the final settlement of the reparation problem and the determination of the occupation by Allied forces of German territory. The settlement of these questions was the object of the Geneva resolution of the 16th September last, which contemplated their solution through the creation of a body of experts to report on the one and the establishment of a Commission of Verification and Conciliation to facilitate the other. His Majesty's Government will, therefore, give whatever assistance they can in reaching by these means complete agreement and thus finally disposing of these troublesome questions.


Am I right in understanding from the right hon. Gentleman's reply that the setting up of this Commission of Verification and Conciliation will depend upon the report of the experts dealing with the reparations question, or has that matter been postponed, at any rate till the report on the reparations question is before the Government?


No; I think the discussions will go on simultaneously.


I am right in supposing, surely, from the right hon. Gentleman's reply, that the two important questions are the evacuation of the Rhineland and the reparations question, and that the Commission of Conciliation and Verification takes a less important position owing to the position of the other questions?


No. That question was dealt with by my right hon. Friend the other day. I think he explained it clearly, and I have nothing to add.