HC Deb 27 February 1929 vol 225 c1937
5. Viscount SANDON

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether any official notification has been received from the United States of America proposing their admission to the World Court on a different basis from, and with reservations not common to, other members; and, if so, what attitude he is adopting thereto?


I have received from His Majesty's Ambassador at Washington a telegraphic summary of the reply of the United States Government to the Note which His Majesty's Government addressed to them in accordance with the recommendations of the League Conference held in 1926, to consider the reservations attached by the United States to their accession to the Permanent Court. It appears from the summary that a similar Note has been addressed to the other Governments who also adopted the recommendations of the League Conference. The Note will receive the careful consideration of His Majesty's Government, and doubtless of the other Governments concerned, but I clearly cannot define the attitude of His Majesty's Government at this stage.