HC Deb 27 February 1929 vol 225 cc1951-2

asked the Minister of Labour if any new instructions have been issued to either the chairmen of Courts of Referees or insurance officers in any way dealing with the claims of persons for unemployment benefit; and, if so, will he make them available to all members of Courts of Referees and to Members of Parliament?


No instructions arc, issued either to Courts of Referees or the insurance officers with regard to the allowance or disallowance of any claim or any class of claims.

33. Mr. MALONE

asked the Minister of Labour whether he is aware of the difficulties experienced by unemployed persons in putting forward their claims owing to the multiplicity of regulations and conditions, and the fact that the term "genuinely seeking work" has not yet been defined; whether he is aware that many persons lose their benefit because they are unaware, for example, that they are entitled to appeal, or of the conditions of appeal, or for other reasons; and whether he will issue instructions to Employment Exchanges throughout the country to take more care in assisting unemployed persons so that no one may lose benefit who may by any possibility be entitled to receive it?


The Exchanges, in accordance with instructions, always give applicants for benefit all necessary assistance. I am not aware of any case in which an applicant has lost his benefit through lack of such assistance, but I shall be happy to look into any case of which the hon. Member will give me particulars.

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