HC Deb 26 February 1929 vol 225 c1775
53. Mr. MALONE

asked the Secretary of State for Air whether the Meteorological Office had knowledge of the approach of the recent exceptionally cold spell; and whether it is possible to issue warnings to the public from the Meteorological Office in time to prevent the inconvenience and damage caused by the freezing and bursting of water pipes and boilers?


As regards the first part of the question, the meteorological conditions prior to the onset of the recent cold weather were such that it was impossible to give any lengthy warning of the extreme fall in temperature, but the Meteorological Office did issue a forecast on the morning of 11th February, stating that very low temperatures with frost both by day and by night would be experienced in most parts of Great Britain except in the extreme south-west districts. As regards the second part, the Meteorological Office issues warnings of changes of weather as soon as the conditions warrant definite statements, but it is not always possible to forecast rapid changes, especially those which occur in mid-winter.


Has the Minister of Air any information about possible meteorological changes next June?