§ 30. Mr. A. M. WILLIAMSasked the Minister of Agriculture why the National Mark Committee has had to withdraw permission to use the national mark for eggs from certain individuals or depots?
§ The MINISTER of AGRICULTURE (Mr. Guinness)In only one case has the National Mark Committee taken action in the direction referred to by my hon. Friend. This was the case of a packer who had infringed the conditions of the scheme both in regard to grading and the nature of the packages used. His certificate of authorisation has not been revoked but has been suspended until such time as the National Mark Commit- 1558 tee is satisfied that he is in a position to carry out satisfactorily all the requirements of the scheme.
§ Mr. WILLIAMSDoes this mean that the right hon. Gentleman's Department is keeping a close watch on the whole scheme and seeing that the national mark is not abused?
§ Mr. GUINNESSOh, yes. Both the Department and the Committee are doing everything in their power to keep up the reputation of the national mark by seeing that the grading and packing is guaranteed.