HC Deb 20 February 1929 vol 225 cc1094-5

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether each successive step in the execution of British policy in Afghanistan is being determined by the Imperial Government in London or by the Government of India, or by His Majesty's Minister at Kabul; and whether His Majesty's Minister at Kabul has ever served in any capacity under the British Foreign Office?


The responsibility for the execution of British policy in Afghanistan rests with His Majesty's Government in this country, but in determining this policy they naturally give great weight to the advice of the Government of India and His Majesty's Minister at Kabul. His Majesty's Minister had not served under the Foreign Office until he took up his present appointment in 1922, but in that post he receives his instructions from me as Foreign Minister.

15. Mr. MALONE

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether, when King Amanullah of Afghanistan formally announced his abdication to His Majesty's Government, he stated that he was abdicating in favour of his elder brother, ex-King Inayatullah; whether when the latter withdrew from Afghanistan King Amanullah rescinded his abdication; and whether he will define the attitude of His Majesty's Government towards King Amanullah and Habibullah Khan, otherwise Bachai-Sagao, respectively?


Yes, Sir. When the Afghan Minister, Shuja-ud-Dowleh Khan, informed me on the 14th of January of King Amanullah's abdication, he added that His Majesty had nominated Sardar Inayatullah Khan to take his place. On the 28th January, some days after King Inayatullah's departure from Kabul, I received a further communication from Shuja-ud- Dowleh Khan stating that King Amanullah had cancelled his abdication. As I have already informed the House in my reply to the right hon. Gentleman the Member for Derby (Mr. J. H. Thomas) on the 30th January, His Majesty's Government do not support or recognise any party or Government in Afghanistan at the present time; and as I stated in my reply to the hon. Member for North Battersea (Mr. Saklatvala) on the 6th of February, His Majesty's Minister at Kabul and His Majesty's Consul at Kandahar are in unofficial touch with the administrations of Habibulla Khan and King Amanullah respectively in regard to local matters.