HC Deb 24 December 1929 vol 233 cc2089-90
21. Lieut.-Colonel FREMANTLE

asked the President of the Board of Trade if the committee set up by his predecessor a year ago to advise the Board of Trade and the Ministry of Health on matters affecting the health of the mercantile marine has yet reported; whether the report will be published; and what action has been, or will be, taken to improve the conditions affecting the health of the crews and passengers concerned?


As the answer is a long one, I will, with the hon. and gallant Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPOET.

Lieut.-Colonel FREMANTLE

May we take it that the matter is really in hand now, and that an improvement is being made?


Without replying to the last specific point, I think the hon. and gallant Member will find a great deal of encouragement in the account of what is being done in this long reply.

Following is the answer:

The committee to which the hon. Member refers was set up to consider and advise on any questions affecting the health of the Mercantile Marine which the Board of Trade or the Ministry of Health might from time to time refer to them. The committee's advice on the various questions referred to it is submitted to the Departments as its consideration of each subject is completed and no general report is published. The subjects with which the committee has already dealt include the Ship Captain's Medical Guide which has been revised and issued, the Scales of Medicines and Medical Instruments and Stores for ships which do not carry surgeons, which also have been revised and issued, and the preparation of a code for facilitating medical consultation at sea by wireless telegraphy. This has been completed and forwarded to the International Code of Signals Committee. The subjects at present under consideration include an investigation of the statistics relating to the mortality of seamen and the hygiene of crew spaces on board ship.