HC Deb 23 December 1929 vol 233 c1894
62. Mr. KELLY

asked the Minister of Labour the number of unemployed from outside districts placed in work in London during the last three months; the number of adults and juveniles; and what help was given from the Lord Mayor's Fund in these cases?


During the three months ended 9th December, 861 men, 38 women and 276 juveniles from depressed mining areas were placed by Employment Exchanges in vacancies in Greater London. Grants have been made from the Lord Mayor's Fund in the cases of 144 boys and three girls; the rates of grant have varied from 3s. to 9s. and from 5s. to 10s. per week, respectively. I should add that these grants from the Lord Mayor's Fund are not made unless the juvenile in question is receiving in wages each week something over and above the normal local rate of wage.


Is a record being kept with regard to these people to see how long they retain the situations in which they are placed?


I am not in a position to give an answer to that question.