HC Deb 09 December 1929 vol 233 c34
64. Lord FERMOY

asked the Minister of Agriculture if he is aware that the cost per ton wholesale of potatoes in East Anglia is from £3 to £3 10s. per ton and that the retail cost in London is about £8; and will he inquire into this matter?


For the purposes of illustration, the wholesale prices quoted by the Noble Lord would seem to be broadly representative of certain varieties. As regards retail prices, these are not collected by my Department, and the Ministry of Labour figures do not distinguish varieties. The Noble Lord will appreciate that the costs of distribution are unaffected by changes in wholesale values. Very full information was collected by the Linlithgow Committee regarding the composition of the distributive margin, and further inquiry would, no doubt, be undertaken by the Food Council if thought desirable.


asked the Minister of Agriculture if he will take immediate action to endeavour to remove the embargo on immune varieties of potatoes entering into the Dominions and the United States of America?


This matter has been receiving my earnest consideration, and I can assure my hon. Friend that his proposal has not been overlooked.