HC Deb 09 December 1929 vol 233 cc21-3
53. Mr. R. A. TAYLOR

asked the Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department if he has recently made any fresh appointments to the Advisory Committee under the Export Credits Scheme; and the present number and names of the Committee?


With regard to the names of the Export Credits Guarantee Committee, I would refer my hon. Friend to the answer I gave on the 4th November to a question by my hon. Friend the Member for Wolverhampton, West (Mr. W. J. Brown). Since then I have invited my hon. and gallant Friend the Member for the Central Division of Portsmouth (Captain W. Hall) and Mr. W. R. Blair, of the Co-operative Wholesale Society, to serve on this Committee, and they have accepted.

54. Mr. R. A. TAYLOR

asked the Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department what steps he has taken to ensure that the maximum use of the Export Credits Department for the purpose of providing additional employment; and whether he has received any recent complaints from responsible exporters that the present terms and practice need revision?


Advantage is constantly taken of the assistance generally afforded by the chambers of commerce, the banks and the Press to bring the Export Credits Guarantee Scheme to the notice of exporters throughout the country. A branch office has been opened in Manchester, and frequent visits are paid to other centres by officials of the Department. With regard to the second part of the question, some complaints have been received, but business continues to increase. If my hon. Friend will bring to my notice any special cases, I shall be glad to give them my consideration.


Will my hon. Friend see to it that the Committee consider these proposals from the point of view of creating employment, which is the only justification for the Act being on the Statute Book?


I think that the Committee always have that consideration before them.


Has the hon. Gentleman had before him within the last 10 days the question of an order coming from the Dartford Division of Kent which has not received the necessary consideration as to time?


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that complaints have been made that unless the answer is received by return of post business is lost, and that very often the reply does not come until after two or three days?


I am aware that some complaints of that kind have been made, but it is almost impossible to obtain the information as rapidly as the applicants desire.

55. Mr. KELLY

asked the Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department whether it is intended to make any change in the personnel of the Committee set up by the last Government to deal with grants under the Trade Facilities Act?


As the power to give guarantees under the Trade Facilities Act expired in March, 1927, I understand my hon. Friend's question to refer to the Export Credits Guarantee Department. I would accordingly refer him to the answer which I have to-day given to the question by my hon. Friend the Member for Lincoln (Mr. R. A. Taylor).