HC Deb 30 April 1929 vol 227 cc1381-2
42. Sir B. PETO

asked the Minister of Health whether there is any quarantine station at the port of Liverpool or any quarantine ship, and if so, why the S.S. "Tuscania" was not placed in quarantine or the passengers transferred to the quarantine ship when it was found that the ship had smallpox patients on board?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the negative. As regards the second part, the measures taken later at Liverpool on the arrival of the s.s. "Tuscania" were in accordance with the procedure laid down in the International Sanitary Convention of 1926.


Is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that, owing to the absence of any quarantine station or ship, the crew and passengers of this steamer were distributed all over the country; and is he aware that at East and West Ham there are 145 cases of smallpox alone which arose from contact with a steward from the "Tuscania," who has been in contact with seven or eight children attending an elementary school at Lathom Road, one of the largest elementary schools in the district?


My right hon. Friend and I have answered several questions on this matter already, giving an exact account of what has taken place, but, obviously the conditions which have to be complied with are those of the International Sanitary Convention. The real lesson of the whole affair is the necessity of vaccination.

Lieut.-Colonel Sir FREDERICK HALL

The Parliamentary Secretary has admitted the method which should be adopted; does the Government contemplate bringing in any measure to enforce vaccination?


That question does not arise.