HC Deb 25 April 1929 vol 227 cc1036-7

asked the President of the Board of Education whether his Department admits any special obligation to assist deaf and dumb children after they leave school to secure employment; if so, can he state what proportion of such children secure employment immediately and how many remain unemployed; and will he consider the advisability of inquiring fully into this class of case with a view to ensuring that employment at reasonable wages shall be available for all persons suffering from these disabilities?

Captain WALLACE (Lord of the Treasury)

I have been asked to reply. The function of the Board of Education in the matter is to secure that the education and training of deaf children shall be such as to fit them as far as possible to become independent self-supporting members of the community. The hon. Member will find full information on the training and placement of deaf children in the chapter on the deaf child (Appendix B) in the Report for 1927 of the Board's Chief Medical Officer. I would refer him particularly to Section XIII which deals with the placement of the deaf child in work on leaving school and details the different agencies concerned with placement. My right hon. Friend will consider whether it will be advisable to inquire further into this matter.


Will the hon. Gentleman bring to the notice of the President of the Board of Education the fact of 16 being the school-leaving age of deaf and dumb children places them at a disadvantage in the labour market, and will he expedite the suggested inquiry with a view to collecting all information with regard to the number of these children?


I will bring that point to the notice of my noble Friend.


Will the hon. Gentleman also convey to the President of the Board of Education the information that less than 50 per cent. of these children succeed in getting jobs; and also that the welfare centres do not cover the entire country; in fact, some of them have not sufficient funds to carry out the work which they are supposed to do?


I have no doubt the President of the Board of Education will read what the hon. Gentleman has said.