HC Deb 24 April 1929 vol 227 cc880-2

Can the Prime Minister now announce the date of Dissolution and make any statement on the course of business until that date?

The PRIME MINISTER (Mr. Baldwin)

The Prorogation and Dissolution of Parliament will be on Friday, 10th May, Nomination Day on Monday, the 20th, and Polling Day on Thursday, the 30th. In regard to business, it may be for the convenience of the House if I state the outstanding business in order that it may be on record.

Business to be disposed of before the Prorogation of Parliament.

All stages of

Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill;

Finance Bill.

To come from another place:

Companies (Consolidation) Bill [Lords];

Government Annuities (Consolidation) Bill [Lords];

and, if non-contentious, the following two small Bills, which were introduced in another place yesterday:

Chatham and Sheerness Stipendiary Magistrate [Lords];

Pharmacy [Lords].

Committee and Third Reading of

Doncaster Area Drainage Bill;

Gas Undertakings Bill [Lords].

Report and Third Reading of

Bridges Bill [Lords];

Police Magistrates Superannuation (Amendment) Bill.

Lords Amendments to

Scottish Local Government Bill, any of the above Bills, or any other Bills which have already been passed by this House.

With regard to Supply, the Public Services must be provided for before the Dissolution. The time available from to-morrow to Friday, 10th May—after allowing for the consideration of the major Bills now outstanding—is sufficient to allow of six further days being set apart for Supply, making a total for the Session of 13, instead of the usual 20 days. The Government propose to conclude the Business of Supply before Prorogation—a course which it is thought will commend itself to all parties. A Motion will be necessary at a later stage to give effect to this.

Supplementary Estimates will be presented for

Civil Contingencies;

Compensation for damage during the War to Dutch drifters;

Lord Mayor's Fund and

Distress in Scottish Mining Areas.

Resolutions may also be required to authorise the application of Surpluses and Deficits on Navy, Army and Air Estimates.


Is any allowance made for time required to deal with the Third Reading and further stages of the Transport (London County Council) Bills?


Private Bills and the time at which they are set down are out of our control. It is entirely in the hands of the Chairman of Ways and Means.


I was wondering whether the Prime Minister could find time for the further stages of a comparatively non-contentious Bill which passed its Second Reading last night. I refer to the Clean Politics Bill.


Did I understand that the non-contentious qualification applies to the Doncaster Drainage Bill?


No. I just mentioned that. The two Bills that will be proceeded with, if they are non-contentious, are the Chatham and Sheerness Stipendiary Magistrate Bill and the Pharmacy Bill, both of which are now in another place.