HC Deb 18 April 1929 vol 227 cc408-9
46. Mr. DAY

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies the number of acres of agricultural land in Kenya that are at present held by Europeans and the number of acres of this land which is being cultivated?

The SECRETARY of STATE for the COLONIES (Mr. Amery)

According to the Agricultural Census Report for the year ending 31st July, 1928, the total area under European occupation in Kenya was 4,996,406 acres, and of this area 592,741 acres were under actual cultivation. The Report does not include figures showing what proportion of the area under European occupation can be classed as agricultural land, but the previous year's Report shows that about half the occupied land was being developed either by cultivation or stock raising.


Has the right hon Gentleman any statistics to show the number of acres that are in the occupancy of British subjects?


No, not available.


Is it a fact that much of this land which is not at present being cultivated was formerly occupied by natives, who have been transferred from this land, in many cases against their will, to land of a less cultivable character?


I do not think so.


If I give the right hon. Gentleman notice, can he supply me with statistics of the number of Britishers that are cultivating land?


Yes; I might have to communicate with East Africa for them.