HC Deb 16 April 1929 vol 227 c83
1. Mr. DAY

asked the President of the Board of Trade the amount of imports, exports and re-exports with regard to

The following STATEMENT shows the Total Declared Values of Imports into and Exports from the United Kingdom consigned from and to Russia during the year 1928, distinguishing the Principal Commodities.
Description. Declared Value. Description. Declared Value.
Total Imports consigned from Russia:— £ Exports of United Kingdom Produce and Manufactures consigned to Russia:— £
Wheat (grain) 43,100 Herrings, cured or salted, canned and not canned. 74,542
Bacon 761,273
Poultry and game 330,152 Iron and steel and manufactures thereof. 274,183
Butter 2,656,372
Eggs in shell 867,841 Machinery and parts thereof 1,701,386
Canned salmon 2,143,971 Cotton yarn 59,167
Oil seed cake 77,242 Wool, raw: sheep's and lamb's 29,490
Vegetable oils, unrefined 348,733 Wool tops 93,411
Wood and timber 6,893,986 Woollen and worsted yarns 102,991
Wood manufactures 185,424 Other articles 380,817
Platinum, refined 266,048
Flax (including tow or codilla 80,937 Total Exports 2,715,987
Fur skins, undressed, other than rabbit and seal skins. 1,694,265 Exports of Imported Merchandise consigned to Russia:—
Fur and other skins, dressed (not leather) and manufactures thereof. 541,018 Tea 404,135
Lead, pig and sheet 155,771
Petroleum, refined 2,784,915 Tin, blocks, ingots, bars and slabs 548,563
Drugs, medicines, etc. 294,977 Zinc, crude 50,997
Bristles 260,115 Cotton, raw 58,336
Other articles 1,317,868 Rubber, crude 565,511
Other articles 301,449
Total Imports 21,548,237 Total Re-exports 2,084,762