HC Deb 28 November 1928 vol 223 cc414-5
40. Mr. SHORT

asked the Minister of Labour if he will state the total number of unemployed persons registering at the Wednesbury Employment Exchange in receipt of extended benefit on the last available date prior to the operation of the Unemployment Insurance Act, 1927; the number of such persons who established their claims to benefit under the new statutory conditions; and the total number disallowed and the reasons therefor?


I regret that statistics giving the information desired are not available. I will, how- ever, circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT a statement showing the total number of persons on the Registers of the Wednesbury Employment Exchange at or near

NUMBERS of PERSONS on the LIVE REGISTERS of the Wednesbury 'Employment Exchange, and Numbers of such Persons whose Claims were admitted or under consideration.
Date. Total Number on Register. Claims admitted or under consideration iacluded in Col. 2. Percentage Col. 3 of Col 2.
1. 2. 3. 4.
20th February 1,945 1,731 89.0
2Gth March 1,982 1,791 90.4
23rd April 2,292 2,084 90.9
21st May 1,857 1,706 91.9
25th June 1,896 1,7G8 93.2
23rd July 1,686 1,489 88.3
20th August 2,122 1,888 89.0
24th September 2,105 1,872 88.9
22nd October 2,029 1,806 89.0