HC Deb 27 November 1928 vol 223 cc201-2
72. Lieut.-Colonel GAULT

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is aware that foreign apples are being imported into this country, made into cider, and sold on the market as "Somerset" or "Devonshire" cider; and will he take steps to have this misrepresentation stopped under the Merchandise Marks Act?


Apart from the obvious difficulty of proving that any particular sample of cider actually contained the juice of foreign apples, I am advised that the sale as "Somerset" or "Devonshire" cider of cider manufactured in those counties, in whole or in part, from foreign apples, would not infringe the provisions of the Merchandise Marks Act, 1887. I am also advised that, if an Order in Council were made under Section 2 of the Merchandise Marks Act, 1926, in respect of imported cider, it would not apply to cider made in this country from imported apples. On the other hand, if an Order were made requiring the marking of imported apples, it would not be necessary for cider manufactured from them to bear an indication of the origin of the apples.

Lieut.-Colonel GAULT

Is my right hon. Friend aware that shipments of French apples are said to have been landed at Plymouth and sold for the purpose indicated in the question?


Yes, I have no doubt that this practice is quite common, but I have also no doubt that no power to interfere.