HC Deb 27 November 1928 vol 223 cc219-20

asked the Minister of Transport whether, having regard to the long continued severe depression in the forging trade, he will include that branch of the iron and steel industry among those to receive coal freight relief, as named in Part II. of the White Paper (Cmd. 3215) referring to the Railway Freight Rebates (Anticipation)?

The MINISTER of TRANSPORT (Colonel Ashley)

The definition of iron and steel works for the purposes of the Railway Freight Rebates (Anticipation) Scheme was settled after consultation with representatives of the iron and steel trade, and it is not practicable at this date to amend it. My hon. Friend will appreciate that, as any question whether particular works fall within the terms of the definition may have to be determined under paragraph 8 of the Scheme by me or by a person appointed by me, it is undesirable that I should express a general opinion as to the position of the class of works which he has in mind.


Is the right hon. and gallant Gentleman aware that should forges not be included in the Clause of Part II. referred to, in addition to rolling mills, steel works which have a forge as a branch of their works will receive the rebate and those works that are mainly forges will not receive it, and will therefore be seriously handicapped?

Colonel ASHLEY

All I can say is that in putting into the Schedule the words that are in it, we acted on the advice of representatives of the trade concerned.


Has the House, had, or will it have, any opportunity of expressing its opinion on the Schedule?

Colonel ASHLEY

Yes, it is to debate it for the whole of Thursday.


Not the Schedule.

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