§ 23. Viscount SANDONasked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether, in the case of the recent treaty between the Union of South Africa and Germany, any prior consultation with this country took place, in accordance with the arrangements agreed to at the Imperial Conference as to treaties proposed to be entered into by any Dominion?
§ Mr. AMERYHis Majesty's Government in Great Britain, equally with His Majesty's other Governments, were notified by His Majesty's Governments in the Union of South Africa of the intentions of the latter in connection with this Treaty in the manner contemplated by the Imperial Conference of 1926 (page 22 of Cmd. 2768), and they were subsequently kept informed of the progress of negotiations.
§ Viscount SANDONWere they only notified, or were they consulted?
§ Mr. WEDGWOOD BENNDoes His Majesty's Government presume to restrain the Government of South Africa in their trade policy?
§ Mr. AMERYNo, certainly not; the whole position is that no one Government of the Empire restrains another, but that all Governments of the Empire, if they undertake anything that may have a reaction upon the others, inform them in case they wish to express their views.