HC Deb 26 November 1928 vol 223 cc19-20
76. Mr. TAYLOR

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer, whether he can state the total sum of losses accruing to His Majesty's Government through default in connection with guarantees or loans under the Trade Facilities Acts and the Exports Credits Scheme; and if, in the case of sums owing abroad, he can state the amount, if any, for each country separately?

The FINANCIAL SECRETARY to the TREASURY (Mr. Arthur Michael Samuel)

The net payments by the Treasury to date in fulfilment of guarantees under the Trade Facilities Acts amount to £339,419, of which £125,146 is definitely irrecoverable. The whole of these payments relate to Home concerns.

The payments under the Export Credits Scheme are estimated to exceed recoveries by the following amounts:

cameras assembled to come within the stiplulated 25 per cent. Canadian-product rule?


The answer takes the form of a table of figures, and perhaps my hon. and gallant Friend will permit me to circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT. I should, however, correct the percentage figure in the last part of the question. Since the 1st March, 1927, that figure has been 75 per cent.

The following statement shows the numbers and declared values of cameras imported into the United Kingdom and consigned from the United States and from Canada in each of the years 1921 and 1927.

Under the Advances Scheme 1,100,000
Under the First Guarantee Scheme 201,000
Under the present scheme up to 31st March last 6,800

I regret that separate figures for each country are not readily available.