HC Deb 26 November 1928 vol 223 cc24-5
27. Colonel HOWARD-BURY

asked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether the Irish Sailors and Soldiers Trust have erected only eight houses for ex-service men at Tullamore, although some 2,000 men from the district volunteered and fought in the British Army; and whether he will take steps to have another eight houses built for which the land has already been provided?


I am informed that the Irish Sailors and Soldiers Land Trust have erected 22 cottages in the rural district of Tullamore, King's County, and eight (completed in 1928) in the urban district, while, in addition, a single existing cottage in the town of Tullamore was purchased out of the trust's funds for the accommodation of an ex-service man. I am further informed that, in view of the very large demand for cottages from all over Ireland, and of the limited funds available, the trustees regret that they are unable at present to consider the question of building further cottages at Tullamore. The land in the possession of the trust at Tullamore consists of one acre, on which the eight cottages referred to have been erected, and of which a small piece is surplus to the requirements of the trust.