HC Deb 21 November 1928 vol 222 cc1704-5

asked the Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs the result of the representations made to the Italian Government regarding the deportation of British Indians from Kismayu by the Italian authorities; and whether arrangements have been made for the representation of British interests in Italian Somaliland by a British consular officer?


The new Governor of Italian Somaliland was informed by the Italian Government of the terms of the Note addressed to them by His Majesty's Ambassador at Rome protesting against the expulsion of Mohamed Ibrahim and he was invited to re-examine, if possible, the question of this expulsion. I have not yet heard what action the Governor has been able to take, but His Majesty's Ambassador at Rome was recently requested to inquire and report how the matter stood. As regards the second part of the question, the answer is in the negative. I am, however, in communication with the Secretary of State for India regarding a proposal made to me by the Indian Chamber of Commerce in Great Britain for the re-establishment of a consular post at Kismayu.


Will the right hon. Gentleman bear in mind the great importance of having some consular officer in this Italian territory having regard to its geographical position?


Yes, certainly.