HC Deb 08 November 1928 vol 222 cc206-7
34 and 35. Mr. WELLOCK

asked the Minister of Health (1) the number of houses completed during July, August and September, respectively, and the average price for parlour and non-parlour types in each case; and the number of houses under construction or sanctioned on 1st November, 1928, under the Housing Acts of 1923 and 1924;

(2) the number of houses completed during the 12 months ended 30th September, 1927 and 1928, respectively, under the Housing Acts of 1923 and 1924, respectively?


I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT the answers to these questions.


May I have the figures asked for in Question 35?


The total for last year was 47,969, under the Act of 1923 and 53,792 under the Act of 1924.


Is the Minister aware that that total is not only lower than last year, but also lower than the figure for 1926?


It is considerably in excess of the normal requirements, anyway.


Do those totals include houses built by Members of the Government?



Following are the answers:

The numbers of houses completed in connection with schemes under the Housing Acts of 1923 and 1924 during the three months in question were 9,405, 9,903 and 12,984 respectively. The average prices of these houses are not known but the average prices of parlour and non-parlour houses respectively (excluding the cost of land and development) included in contracts let or in direct-labour schemes of local authorities started during each of these months were£434 and£366;£417 and£349; and£429 and£365.

The number of houses under construction on the 1st November, 1928, is not yet known, but the number on the 1st October, 1928, was 56,673.

During the 12 months ending 30th September, 1927, 115,073 houses were completed under the Housing Act, 1923, and 97,316 under the Act of 1924. The corresponding figures for 1928 were 47,969 and 53,792 respectively.

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