HC Deb 15 May 1928 vol 217 cc861-3

I wish to ask you, Sir, a question respecting the rights of private Members searching for information. I presented at the Table yesterday a question intended for the Prime Minister. To-day on searching the Paper, I found the question was not contained therein, and I desire to ask your Ruling as to whether the Clerk at the Table has the right to exclude any question and convey no intimation to the Member concerned as to its exclusion.


In the first place, I may say that I take full responsibility for everything that is done with regard to Questions. The hon. Member handed in a question, apparently, yesterday about an entirely independent fund, for which the Government has no responsibility whatever. That comes within the Rules which I should have thought were well known to Members who have been any time in the House, and several questions on the same subject have been refused in the same way. So that I must say my assistants were quite justified in dealing with the matter under the general rule.


The point I raised is not as to the subject matter of the question. I desire to raise that at a later stage. The point of submission is as to whether the Clerk at the Table has the right to exclude a question without conveying his intention to the Member concerned. I am not at the moment concerned with the general practice of the House. I am concerned with my rights as a private Member, and, since I desire to obtain information in respect of this matter, I think I should at the very least have been furnished with an opportunity of recasting my question, so that I might bring it within the Rules of the House.


This was a case where no recasting could possibly have brought the question into order. I have it in front of me. It would add very much to my labours if I had to deal with questions that are clearly ruled out by the general Rules and the practice of the House. I hope hon. Members will not ask for any change in the practice.


Having regard to the fact that in a Debate in this House on a matter presented by these benches the Government intimated that they do not propose to take a certain course because of the setting up of a fund, is not a private Member entitled to interrogate the Government and in this connection the Prime Minister, as to the existence of that fund and its purpose?


On that matter, I have more than once declined to argue the merits of questions from the Chair. When possible I am always ready to help Members.


We find it more and more difficult to get information in regard to these questions which affect miners. It was first of all announced by the Minister of Health that a National Relief Fund would be set up. He proposed that it should be set up. That having been set up, surely we are entitled on behalf of our men to ask for information regarding it. We find it more and more difficult to get information.


I am not prepared to discuss that matter from the Chair.