HC Deb 10 May 1928 vol 217 c413

Will the Prime Minister be good enough to tell U3 what will be the business for next week?

The PRIME MINISTER (Mr. Baldwin)

On Monday: the Second Reading of the Currency and Bank Notes Bill, and the Bankers (Northern Ireland) Bill.

Tuesday: Supply, Committee—Ministry of Health Vote.

Wednesday: Supply, Committee; the Vote will be announced later.

Thursday: the remaining stages of the two Bills which are down for Second Reading on Monday.

Friday's business will be announced later. On any day, if time permits, other Orders will be taken.


With regard to the Currency Bill, will not the right hon. Gentleman consider giving a somewhat longer interval between the two stages, in accordance with the practice in the ease of Money Bills where it is of importance that opinion should inform itself and express itself before the stages are all taken?


We have already lengthened the time that we had provisionally fixed, and it is now proposed to take the Second Reading at the beginning of the week and the remaining stages at the end of the week. It seemed to us, after consideration, that that is ample time. Recently, at any rate, it has been done on successive days.