HC Deb 03 May 1928 vol 216 cc1886-7
41. Captain BOURNE

asked the Minister of Health the total sum expended during the past financial year upon sanatorium treatment for tuberculosis by the Exchequer and by local authorities, respectively; and the average cost of treatment per patient?


The total sum expended in any financial year upon sanatorium treatment proper is not separable from the amount spent on other forms of treatment of tuberculosis, and the information asked for in the first part of the question is, therefore, not available. The average cost of residential treatment during 1926–27 was 49s. 3½d. per patient per week.


Is it possible for my right hon. Friend so to alter the accounts that in future years we shall be able to get the cost of sanatorium treatment?


I think it is rather difficult to separate sanatorium treatment from other treatment in residential institutions.

42. Captain BOURNE

asked the Minister of Health whether any, and, if so, how many, local authorities have adopted any system of observation of patients who have been discharged from tuberculosis sanatoria; and the percentage of such patients who are permanently cured of tuberculosis?


The tuberculosis schemes of all local authorities provide for the continued observation of patients discharged from sanatoria. I have, however, no figures which would enable me to answer the second part of the question.