HC Deb 03 May 1928 vol 216 cc1872-3

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what is, approximately, the proportion of tramway streets to non-tramway streets in the Metropolitan area; and what was the proportion of street accidents, fatal and otherwise,, in these two types of streets, respectively?

12. Commander BELLAIRS

asked the Home Secretary whether he can give comparable statistics of accidents in tramway streets and streets with flexible traffic only?

The MINISTER of TRANSPORT (Colonel Ashley)

All available figures are contained in Tables 16 and 17 of the London Traffic Committee's Report on Street Accidents in Greater London published in March, 1927. I am sending copies of these tables to my hon. Friends. I have no information as to accidents in tramway streets outside the Metropolitan area.


With regard to the accidents in the streets in the Metropolitan area, is it not a fact that those in the tramway streets are out of all proportion to and enormously greater than those in non-tramway streets?

Colonel ASHLEY

No doubt they are considerably greater, but my hon. Friend must remember that, obviously, the tramway streets are those streets which are most used.


Do I understand that the Minister does not consider that the first and second parts of this question have necessarily any relation to each other?


Can my right hon. and gallant Friend say whether any streets in London are more used, for instance, than the Strand and Piccadilly, which are non-tramway streets?

Colonel ASHLEY

In the majority of cases tramway streets are more used than other streets.