HC Deb 28 March 1928 vol 215 cc1148-9

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty what change has recently been made in the power of the local dockyard authorities at Devon-port to discharge employés without informing the Admiralty; and whether the Admiralty is no longer consulted in advance when discharges take place?


An order was issued by the Admiralty in December last directing that, when as many as two percent of the workmen employed in any, Department are proposed to be discharged, a special report is to be made to the Admiralty before the issue of notices, but if the discharges affect less than two per cent. of the workmen no special report need be made.


Could the right hon. Gentleman say how many discharges have taken place under this new procedure?


No. If the hon. Member wishes it I can find out, but I cannot say off-hand.


asked the First Lord of the Admiralty the number of men discharged from each of His Majesty's dockyards and Admiralty establishments, respectively, during the last three months; and what further discharges are in prospect?


I am obtaining these particulars and will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate them in the OFFICIAL REPORT.


Would the right hon. Gentleman answer the last part of the question—what further discharges are in prospect? Does he know?


It is rather difficult to give a definite answer. I will try to ascertain the information for the hon. Member. It is not very easy to say, as so much depends on the work that comes in.

The particulars are as follow:

The numbers of workmen discharged on reduction from the several dockyards, etc., at home since 3lst December, 1927, up to the end of last week are as follows:

Portsmouth Dockyard 145
Devonport Dockyard 255
Chatham Dockyard 80
Sheerness Dockyard 34
Holton Heath Cordite Factory (Works Department temporary entrants) 59
West India Docks Depot 4
Rosyth Dockyard 17
Pembroke Dockyard (Works Department temporary entrants) 90

The further discharges definitely in prospect are:

From Portsmouth Dockyard (Works Department) 108
From Devonport Dockyard (mainly from Works Department) 42
From Chatham Dockyard 10
From Sheerness Dockyard 70
From Woolwich Naval Armament Depot (temporary entrants) 44