HC Deb 27 March 1928 vol 162 cc267-8
100. Mr. HAYES

asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that the Governor of Holloway Prison informed J. E. Stutton, late of that prison staff, that. he could not place him on lighter employment until he had heard from the Prison Commissioners; whether the medical recommendation for lighter employment was ever carried out; and, if so, what was the difference between Stutton's duties before and after 10th March?


The Governor informed Stutton that he would have to report the matter to the Commissioners, as it was impossible for him to find entirely light work. The medical recommendation was carried out thus: Before the 10th March Stutton had been employed on general store porter's work and evening patrol duty. After that date, he was employed as messenger on evening patrol duty, occasionally as gatekeeper and on such of the porter's work as did not. involve the heavy lifting there is in the other parts of the stores. He also had assistance. For part of the time before he was placed again on the sick list, he was employed in connection with the stocktaking.


If I forward the right hon. Gentleman particulars and explain that he has been misinformed, will he reconsider the question?


I shall be very glad to reconsider any further particulars which are not in my possession now.