§ Mr. AMMON (by Private Notice)asked the Prime Minister 'whether he has any additional information respecting the sentence to death of the Archbishop of Moscow by the Bolshevist Government of Russia; and whether it is possible for the British Government to make representations on behalf of the condemned Archbishop?
Mr. McNEILLA telegram has just been received from the British agent in Moscow confirming the report that the Archibshop and one of his priests have been sentenced to death, and stating that it is feared the sentence will be carried out within 48 hours. Mr. Hodgson has done all in his power, under repealed instructions from His Majesty's Government, to save these ecclesiastics, and I cannot see what more can he done, if the Soviet Government is determined to carry out barbarities of this nature.
§ Mr. AMMONDoes the hon. Gentleman think it possible that something might be done if he would cable to our representative and the representatives of the foreign Powers telling them the opinion of this country?
Mr. McNEILLI made that inquiry myself immediately we received the telegram. I can assure the hon. Member and the House that every possible instruction and persuasion has been addressed to Moscow, not merely from our representative, but from the heads of all the religious organisations of this country and elsewhere.
§ Mr. W. THORNEIs the right hon. Gentleman aware that to-day's papers state that the executions are to take place to-morrow?
Mr. McNEILLThat is in accordance with what I have said already, that the executions are to take place within 48 hours.
§ Mr. J. JONESCould not the hon. Member for Motherwell (Mr. Newbold) be sent as a hostage?
Mr. NEWBOLDIs it not a fact that no cleric condemned at any time to death has ever been put to death?
§ Sir W. DAVISONAre we any longer going to tolerate in our midst a trade delegation from this barbarous Power?
Mr. PETOIn order to emphasise the opinion of this country, will the hon. Gentleman make representations to the so-called Soviet trade representatives in this country that they will have to leave within 24 hours, if these executions take place?