HC Deb 20 March 1928 vol 215 cc204-5

asked the Minister of Transport whether he has received representations from the Commercial Motor Users' Association, and from chambers of commerce and other representative bodies in different parts of the country, as to the serious loss and inconvenience caused to trade and industry by the existence of weak bridges and level crossings on many important roads; and what special action he proposes to take with regard to the reconstruction of these bridges and the substitution of bridges for level crossings in urgent cases?

Colonel ASHLEY

The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. During the coming financial year I propose to set aside a, sum of £250,000 to be distributed by way of special grants from the Road Fund towards the cost of the reconstruction of weak railway and canal bridges and the construction of bridges to replace level crossings on important roads. I would also draw attention to the Bridges Bill recently introduced by my hon. and gallant Friend the Member for the Ludlow Division (Lieut.-Colonel Windsor-Clive). The provisions of the Bill, of which I am generally in favour, have, for a long time, been the subject of negotiation between representatives of the county councils and of the statutory undertakings concerned with the assistance of my Department. The Bill supplies greatly needed machinery for facilitating the reconstruction of weak bridges which are the property of statutory bodies other than highway authorities.

Lieut. - Commander KENWORTHY

Does that answer mean that the Corporation of the City of Hull can now re-open the question of level crossings, which has been turned down against the recommendations of the right hon. Gentleman's own experts last year

Colonel ASHLEY

There is nothing to prevent the Corporation of Hull communicating with me.


Will the right hon. Gentleman incorporate this in the Road Traffic Bill next year?

Colonel ASHLEY

I am not sure whether it comes within the scope of the Bill, but I will certainly consider the question.

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