HC Deb 08 March 1928 vol 214 c1222
61. Colonel WOODCOCK

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer the direct additional cost to each of the chief public Departments due to the general strike of 1926?


A statement showing the Exchequer outgoings in respect of the assistance given by the Government in maintaining essential services during the emergency in 1926 is being prepared for the use of the Public Accounts Committee, and I should be glad to let my hon. and gallant Friend have a copy. He will, of course, appreciate that these figures of outgoings in no way reflect the vast cost both to the State and to the community of the long-drawn dispute of that year.


Will the Chancellor of the Exchequer circulate these figures so that all hon. Members can see them, and will he at the same time state what it cost the Government to assist the coal-owners during the dispute?


It is my duty to answer the first part of the question in a manner satisfactory to the wishes of the House; and if there is any desire on the part of hon. Members to have these papers, they shall be circulated.


Will the right hon. Gentleman answer the second part of my question?


I hope not, because it would be out of order.