§ 61. Mr. W. THORNEasked the Minister of Health if he is aware that in 1891 Command Paper No. 6460, Local Government Board, showed that the gross valuation of the Metropolis amounted to £39,835,700, with a total increase in the annual rental of £1,373,207 from the previous year; and if he can supply similar statistics for the year ending 1926?
Mr. CHAMBERLAINThe gross value of rateable hereditaments in London, according to the valuation lists in force on the 6th April, 1926, on which date a quinquennial revaluation took effect, was £74,529,824, which was an increase of £11,550,598, or 15½ per cent., as compared with the amount entered in the lists in force on the 6th April, 1925. The corresponding increase at the quinquennial revaluation of 1891 was £1,623,451, or 4¼ per cent.