HC Deb 05 March 1928 vol 214 cc791-2

asked the Under-Secretary of State for India whether he is now in a position to state if the Government have finally considered and arrived at a decision, regarding the findings of the Indian Sandhurst Committee presided over by the chief of the general staff in India; and, if so, whether he will inform the House of the nature of the Government's decision?


In all probability an announcement will be made on behalf of the Government of India in the Legislative Assembly during the present week.


Will that statement be laid on the Table, so that Members of this House may know of it; otherwise, in what way can we here know what is being said in India on this important subject?


I quite sympathise with the hon. Member's position. I think he will be able to read it in the "Times" newspaper the day after the announcement, but I will consider whether a copy of the reply given in the Assembly can be placed in the Library simultaneously with the announcement.