HC Deb 22 June 1928 vol 218 cc1931-2

(1) Section one of this Act shall not apply to the slaughter of any animal in a slaughter house in the city and royal burgh of Glasgow so long as the provisions of section seventy-two of the Glasgow Corporation Order, 1927, as amended by the immediately succeeding sub-section of this section shall apply to such slaughter.

(2) Section seventy-two of the Glasgow Corporation Order, 1927, shall be amended as follows:—

  1. (a) for the authorisation in writing referred to in sub-section (2) there shall be substituted a licence granted by the corporation; and
  2. (b) in lieu of sub-section (4) the provisions of section seven of this Act shall apply with the substitution of a reference to the provisions of the said section seventy-two for any reference to any provisions of this Act, and of a licence granted by the corporation for a licence granted by the local authority;
  3. (c) the provisions of section two of this Act shall apply to any licence granted by the corporation in like manner as they apply to a licence granted by the local authority.

(3) Save as provided in the foregoing subsections the provisions of any local Act,, so far as inconsistent with this Act, shall cease to have effect.—[The Lord Advocate.]

Brought up, and read the First time.

The LORD ADVOCATE (Mr. William Watson)

I beg to move, "That the Clause be read a Second time."

I shall explain briefly the effect of the proposed New Clause. As Glasgow got legislation of its own last year, it was found necessary to deal specially with the Glasgow position, and to deal with it apart from the general reference to local Acts which hon. Members will find at the beginning of Clause 4 of the Bill. There is an Amendment on the Paper to omit those opening words of Clause 4, but the closing words of the proposed New Clause, which I am now moving, will include that provision as regards every local authority except Glasgow. As regards Glasgow, they have, as I say, an existing Act and this New Clause has been adjusted with the Glasgow Corporation. The effect of Sub-section (1) of the New Clause is to leave the Glasgow Corporation Order, 1927, operative and exempted from the provisions of Clause 1 of the Bill, so long as it applies to the slaughter of any particular animals. As soon as it ceases to apply, then the Bill automatically applies to Glasgow. By Sub-section (2) the Glasgow provision which is contained in Section 72 of the Glasgow Corporation Order, 1927, has been amended so as to bring the existing Glasgow provision more into line with the machinery of the present Bill.

Hon. Members will notice on reference to paragraph (a) that Whereas, at present, under the Glasgow Order, the authorities give what is called an authorisation, we are amending the Section so as to substitute for the authorisation the licensing machinery set up under Clause 2 of the Bill. That is done by paragraphs (a) and (c) of Sub-section (2) of the proposed New Clause and that provision will carry with it the conditions as to licences, with the right of appeal and the machinery which we have agreed to put in the present Bill. Paragraph (b) of Sub-section (2) refers to Sub-section (4) of Section 72 of the Glasgow Corporation Order which deals with the position of the Jews. We are substituting for that Sub-section (4) the provisions of Clause 7 of the Bill, so that the Jews, as regards the Jewish method of slaughter, shall be on the same footing as anywhere else under the Bill. Sub-section (3) of the proposed new Clause repeats, as regards everybody else except Glasgow, the present initial words of Clause 4 of the Bill, that being the more convenient Ns-ay of dealing with the matter and, as I have said, a subsequent Amendment proposes to take those initial words out of Clause 4.

Question put, and agreed to.

Clause read a Second time, and added to the Bill.