§ 6. Lord H. CAVENDISH-BENTINCKasked the Secretary of State for the Colonies if he will state the quantity of liquor imported into the Gold Coast during the calendar years 1921 to 1927, inclusive; the quantity of spirits imported into the Gold Coast during the same period, showing the percentage of gin; and the revenue raised from spirits in the Gold Coast in the pre-War year 1913 and that raised in the latest year available?
§ Following are the figures:
§ The figures of liquor imported, spirits imported, and the percentage of gin, are as follow: 1401
Year. | Total Quantity of Liquor Imported. | Total Quantity of Spirits Imported. | Percentage of Gin of Total Quantity of Spirits. |
Imp. Gallons. | Imp. Gallons. | Per cent. | |
1921 | 459,992 | 283,319 | 29.6 |
1922 | 652,039 | 398,383 | 65.0 |
1923 | 882,585 | 612,591 | 86.2 |
1924 | 1,153,271 | 680,503 | 87.7 |
1925 | 1,580,028 | 943,487 | 91.1 |
1920 | 1,912,315 | 805,642 | 91.3 |
1927 | — | 1,295,712 | 91.4 |
§ The revenue derived from spirits imported into the Gold Coast in 1913 was £502,427, and in 1926, the last year of which complete figures are available, it was £1,027,155, but it must be remembered that the duty on spirits was four times as high in 1926.
§ As regards the year 1927 the total quantity of spirits imported was 1,295,712 gallons, but I am not yet in a position to state the total amount of all liquor or what the exact revenue derived there-from was.