HC Deb 18 June 1928 vol 218 cc1400-1

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies if he will state the quantity of liquor imported into the Gold Coast during the calendar years 1921 to 1927, inclusive; the quantity of spirits imported into the Gold Coast during the same period, showing the percentage of gin; and the revenue raised from spirits in the Gold Coast in the pre-War year 1913 and that raised in the latest year available?


With the Noble Lord's permission I will circulate the figures in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following are the figures:

The figures of liquor imported, spirits imported, and the percentage of gin, are as follow:

Year. Total Quantity of Liquor Imported. Total Quantity of Spirits Imported. Percentage of Gin of Total Quantity of Spirits.
Imp. Gallons. Imp. Gallons. Per cent.
1921 459,992 283,319 29.6
1922 652,039 398,383 65.0
1923 882,585 612,591 86.2
1924 1,153,271 680,503 87.7
1925 1,580,028 943,487 91.1
1920 1,912,315 805,642 91.3
1927 1,295,712 91.4

The revenue derived from spirits imported into the Gold Coast in 1913 was £502,427, and in 1926, the last year of which complete figures are available, it was £1,027,155, but it must be remembered that the duty on spirits was four times as high in 1926.

As regards the year 1927 the total quantity of spirits imported was 1,295,712 gallons, but I am not yet in a position to state the total amount of all liquor or what the exact revenue derived there-from was.