§ 80. Mr. LANSBURYasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if the inquiry proposed to be undertaken by the League of Nations Council into questions connected with the problem of the traffic in women and children in the East will take place in India as well as in other parts of the East; and, if so, whether representatives of vigilance societies and other interested bodies in India will be invited to co-operate?
§ The UNDER-SECRETARY of STATE for FOREIGN AFFAIRS (Mr. Godfrey Locker-Lampson)No decision has yet been reached in regard to the nature and scope of the further inquiries which may be made by the Traffic in Women and Children Committee. The second part of the question does not therefore at present arise.
§ Mr. LANSBURYIf such a Committee is appointed, will steps be taken to appoint an Indian representative on it?
§ Mr. LOCKER-LAMPSONThe Advisory Committee have been studying the whole question, and I am sure they will take that particular point into consideration.
§ Mr. LANSBURYWill the Under-Secretary make representations on behalf of an Indian representative?
§ Mr. LOCKER-LAMPSONI will consider it.