HC Deb 12 July 1928 vol 219 c2455
31. Commander WILLIAMS (for Sir C. MORRISON-BELL)

asked the Minister of Health the total amount contributed by the Treasury in relief of agricultural rates in Devonshire for the year 1927–28 and the estimated amount which the Treasury will contribute when the Rating and Valuation (Apportionment) Bill becomes operative for the year 1929–30?


The total amount of the Exchequer Grants paid under the Agricultural Rates Acts, 1896 and 1923, in relief of rates in the Administrative County of Devon for the year 1927–28 was, approximately, £221,600. Under the Government proposals these grants together with other grants will be discontinued as from 1st April, 1930. In the distribution of the new Exchequer grant which will be given after that date, the sum payable in respect of every county will be more than the discontinued grants in the standard year 1928–29 and the estimated loss of rates due to de-rating, by at least 1s. per head of the population.

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