HC Deb 11 July 1928 vol 219 cc2228-9
30. Mr. R. YOUNG

asked the Minister of Labour whether any decision has yet been reached by His Majesty's Government with regard to ratification of the Draft Conventions of the International Labour Office on seamen's articles of agreement and repatriation of seamen, 1926, and on sickness insurance (industry) and sickness insurance (agriculture), 1927; and whether he can make any statement upon the position as regards the Draft Convention on the inspection of emigrants on hoard ship, whose ratification was made conditional on the ratification by certain named States?


It is hoped to reach a decision at an early date with regard to the first four Conventions referred to in the question. As regards the last (inspection of emigrants), only one of the six Powers (the Netherlands), on whose ratification that of Great Britain was made conditional, has at present ratified the Convention.

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