HC Deb 11 July 1928 vol 219 cc2236-8

asked the Home Secretary if he can state how many of the chief officials attached to the police and other Departments connected with his office whose salaries and emoluments exceed £500 a year are in receipt of pensions, the amount of such pension, present salary, and future pension to which such officials will be entitled to on retirement or which may be granted on the recommendation of the Home Secretary; and the number of persons employed at salaries and emoluments under £500 a year who are in receipt of pensions and who on retirement may receive additional pensions?

The SECRETARY of STATE for the HOME DEPARTMENT (Sir William Joynson-Hicks)

The answer is a long one, and, with the hon. Member's permission, I will circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the answer:

1. The following information relates to the Departments of the Home Office proper, including the various Inspectorates:

(a) Salaries and Emoluments exceeding £500 a year.

Salary, etc., of officer. Pension.
£ £
1,055 700
1,404 150
1,263 666
1,160 256
995 228
995 395
749 104
516 108
678 168
634 73

With the exception of number 3 in the list all the above officers will be entitled in the ordinary course on retirement to pension calculated in accordance with the Superannuation Acts. The amount will depend in each case upon the length of service and the actual salary at date of retirement.

(b) Salaries and Emoluments not exceeding £500 a year.

There are 23 officers serving under the Homo Office who come under this heading and who are in receipt of pensions (with one or two exceptions for disablement).

2. The following figures relate to the Department of the Prison Commissioners at the Home Office:

(a) Salaries and Emoluments exceeding £500 a year.

Salary, etc., of officer. Pension.
£ £
1,364 210
1,205 222
572 73
1,077 120
1,047 224
919 169
611 210
686 60

(b) Salaries and Emoluments not exceeding £500 a year.

There are in the Prison Department 83 officers who come under this heading and who are in addition in receipt of pensions of £50 or over.

All the above officers will be entitled on retirement to pension calculated in accordance with the Superannuation Acts.

The statistics furnished under 2 (a) and (b) above do not include disability pension, of which there is no record available.

NOTE.—Particulars of pension are only required in the Department for the purpose; of appending the appropriate notes to the Estimate for Parliament where the amount is £50 or more. No record is kept where the amount is less than that sum.