HC Deb 11 July 1928 vol 219 cc2224-5

asked the Minister of Labour the number of lads and young women under 21 years of age who have been placed in employment through Bridgeton, Parkhead, and Springburn Employment Exchanges, respectively, during the last 12 months, and the total number registered as unemployed at present?


Separate statistics are only available in respect of juveniles under 18 years of age. As the reply includes a number of figures, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate a statement in the OFFICIAL REPORT.


Could not the Minister, in view of the change that has been made by the Act, try to get for us some figures with regard to juveniles under 21?


I will consider that, and see if it is possible.

Following is the statement:

—— Bridgeton. Parkhead. Springburn.
Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls. Boys. Girls.
Number placed in employment through the Employment Exchanges during the 12 months ended 25th June, 1928. 619 732 262 225 336 181
Number on the Register at 2nd July, 1928. 394 342 171 166 177 139

asked the Minister of Labour the number of claims for unemployment benefit made by men, women, and young people, respectively, at Bridgeton and Parkhead Employment Exchanges, respectively, and the number of claims rejected in each case since the

—— Bridgeton. Parkhead.
Men. Women. Juveniles. Total. Men. Women. Juveniles. Total.
Fresh and Renewal Claims to benefit made from 24th April, 1928 to 11th June, 1928, inclusive. 4,800 1,923 182 6,905 3,186 617 78 3,881
Average number of current claims on Register during period. 6,395 1,529 154 8,078 2,858 465 59 3,382
*Claims disallowed by Insurance Officers, 19th April to 11th June. 2,492 291 88 2,871 747 162 32 941
* These figures relate to the initial disallowance of claims by Insurance Officers and include cases in which the decisions were reversed on appeal.
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