HC Deb 05 July 1928 vol 219 c1563
41. Captain FAIRFAX

asked the Minister of Health if he has received an appeal from the Norfolk Vagrancy Committee for assistance in providing extra remuneration for medical officers of Poor Law institutions now called upon, by order of the Ministry, to examine all casuals for small-pox; and, in view of the fact that this work is outside the duties ordinarily performed by these doctors, whether he will undertake to defray all or part of the additional fees involved?


The answer to the first part of my hon. and gallant Friend's question is in the affirmative, and to the second part in the negative. There are no funds at my disposal out of which such a contribution as is suggested could be paid.


Does my right hon. Friend expect these doctors to do the extra work gratis, or does he expect the local authorities to defray the extra cost?


All that I can say is that I have no power to make any contribution.


Will the right hon. Gentleman see that the medical officers undertake the inspection of casuals in the evening, and thus give some value to their inspection?


That would certainly involve a claim for an extra fee.