HC Deb 29 February 1928 vol 214 c383

I beg to present the following Petition: To the Honourable the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament Assembled. The Humble Petition of the undersigned being inhabitants of the Townships of Barlby and Selby in the East and West Ridings of the County of York and adjoining villages. Sheweth as follows: The East and West Ridings of Yorkshire near Selby are divided by the Tidal and Navigable River Ouse. In the year 1795 by virtue of an Act of Parliament a bridge was built over the river connecting the two Ridings and the township of Barlby and the Market Town of Selby. By virtue of the said Act certain Tolls became and are still payable by persons and vehicles using the said bridge and these Tolls have become a great burden upon the inhabitants and others, and a serious menace to the trade and prosperity of the neighbourhood comprising large industrial works and including a large agricultural area. Wherefore your Petitioners pray that Parliament will take such steps as will relieve the inhabitants and others users of the said Toll Bridge from these onerous tolls and thus make the King's Highway free. And your Petitioners as in duty bound, will ever pray, etc. Signed by 3,333 persons.